Hani Can

Having lived in the middle east for most of my life, I had the chance to get engaged in the fields of refugees’ support and migration. Living in Germany since 2017, with my interest in politics and public engagement, it was a great opportunity to extend my experience in the field of integration, mutual work as well as PR development, along with my academic education in the field of media.

Since January 2021 I was lucky to have been a part of Alsharq team where I am mostly active in technical support and content development. Working with Alsharq is for me a vibrant environment to challenge my abilities and enrich my knowledge. What I find impressive at Alsharq is the diversity of knowledge its team has to offer, the innovative approach that gives every project and each trip its unique identity, and most of all the pleasant work atmosphere that embraces all of that. I am very much looking forward to supporting our team further, and hopefully accompany them in field trips in the near future.

Georg Layr

Through my activities with dis:orient, I was already well acquainted with Alsharq well before I moved from Palestine to Berlin in 2019. From this, a collaboration developed – first within the format ‘Ferngespräche’ and later with other digital events.  In Fall 2020, I became a member of the core team, where I primarily contribute my technical expertise in digital media. Since 2021, I'm part of the company leadership, responsible for its digital portfolio and cooperations.
I’m impressed by the knowledge, the openness and the integrity, evident in Alsharq’s events and travels. It gives me the opportunity to channel and challenge my own longstanding academic engagement with the company’s target region. At the intersection of our combined experience, collective learning and common curiosity, I look forward to an adventurous path ahead with my colleagues and co-travelers.  

Simon Welte
Berlin / Yangon

It was in 2004 when I came to Lebanon as a volunteer to work in a boarding school, just a few months before to so called “cedar revolution”. Later on, being fascinated by the region, I moved to Damascus to work for a local tour company, followed by many other trips to those countries. I joined alsharq / dis:orient e.V. in 2007 and cofounded Alsharq Travel in 2009. Having worked as a private sector consultant in Germany for several years, I decided to gain experience in the sector of International Development. From 2015 until 2017, after finishing my studies in International Development (M.A.), I moved to Myanmar to work as a consultant in the field of international development. Today I co-manage Alsharq Travel but also work and travel as a freelance consultant.

Lucie Haardt

Als studierte Kulturmanagerin mit Schwerpunkt auf die internationale Kulturvermittlung begleitet mich die Thematik der gleichberechtigten Begegnung im globalen Kontext schon sehr lange. So fing mein Berufsleben mit dem Einsatz für den Schutz der Menschenrechte von Geflüchteten im Rahmen einer politischen Kampagne an, die sich u.a. durch das Theater als Vermittlungsformat auszeichnete. Theater verbunden mit Engagement wurde dann über mehrere Jahre das Spielfeld meiner beruflichen Entwicklung. Seit Mai 2023 freue ich mich Alsharq auf organisatorischer Ebene zu unterstützen. Von Beginn an, war ich vom Konzept begeistert. Die Reisenden sind wie die Zuschauer*innen eines Landes: Umso wichtiger ist es, dass die vierte Wand durchbrochen wird und eine tatsächliche Begegnung stattfinden kann.

Johanna Pelikan

I joined the team of Alsharq Reise in 2019. After completing my studies in tourism management, I lived in Myanmar's former capital Yangon for two years and worked for a local NGO in a project that promotes and supports sustainable and inclusive tourism in Myanmar. While traveling it is very important for me to show a respectful and culturally appropriate behavior towards the host country and its people. This is why I value the concept of Alsharq Reise. In addition to that, I appreciate the balanced mix of political input, nature and classic sightseeing on our tours, as well as the approach of imparting different perspectives. Even though I’ve had little contact with countries in North Africa and West Asia so far, I am all the more looking forward to traveling to those countries in the near future.

Juliane Zimmermann

Nachdem ich im Herbst 2022 meine erste Jordanienreise für Alsharq geleitet habe, bin ich nun seit September 2023 auch Teil des Kernteams und unterstützt vor allem mit der Konzipierung, Umsetzung und Leitung von Reisen. Im Rahmen eines Freiwilligendienstes kam ich 2012 erstmals nach Jerusalem und lebte später während und nach meinem Studium der Nahostwissenschaften und Ethnologie insgesamt 2 ½ Jahre in Jordanien. Neben Jordanien begeistere ich mich aber auch für andere Destinationen wie Pakistan und Oman sowie generell für das Thema Nachhaltigkeit im Tourismus. Ich freue mich sehr, diese vielfältigen Interessen bei der Entwicklung und Umsetzung neuer und bereits bekannter Reisen ein- und dabei Menschen die Länder der WANA Region näherbringen zu können.

Christoph Dinkelaker

At 16, Christoph got to know the Middle East during a concert trip to Syria and Lebanon. After this formative experience he decided to volunteer in a Lebanese orphanage for one year. During that time he started tour-guiding in Lebanon. Having travelled the majority of the MENA countries and focused on the region during his university studies, Christoph combines academic knowledge, language skills and first-hand experiences in the region. Christoph has designed and guided numerous study trips to countries such as Turkey, Iran, Oman, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Syria and Northern Iraq.