
Tour Title: 

Sonnenallee Political Tour

Tour Subtitle: 

Walking Tour around the "Arab Street" of Berlin (in English)

Tour Date: 

09. September 2023

We embark on this city tour with our guide Mohammed Chahrour, himself born and raised in the neighborhood, in search of traces of the past and present of this street and the people who live and work here.




25 €


15 €

Content Left Column: 

Gaza Strip in Germany, little Damascus, no-go area: there are many crude associations with Neukölln's Sonnenallee in the German public imaginary. It is worth taking a differentiated look at the street, the western part of which is read as Arabic like hardly any other place in Germany. Whether bakeries, hairdressers, electronics stores, wedding shops, shisha bars, travel agencies or restaurants: most offer their products and services in Arabic.

But how did this street become this bustling, Arab-influenced commercial center? Why did Palestinians, Lebanese or Syrians settle right here at different times? What governmental obstacles did they face in doing so? And what are the current challenges facing Sonnenallee?

Content Right Column: 

Mohammed Ali Chahrour, who knows Sonnenallee inside out, will address these questions during this socio-political tour. In addition, we will touch contentious concepts such as "clan crime", the history of the Rütli school and racism in Neukölln, and possibly visit one or the other shop on Sonnenallee. We end the tour on Weserstraße, which symbolizes the gentrification of Neukölln like no other place.

The meeting point is at 1:00 p.m. in the central courtyard of the Rütli School campus (Rütlistraße).

Tour Übersicht

Digital Program: 



Mohammed Chahrour
Mohammed Chahrour kommt aus Neukölln und engagiert sich in antirassistischen Netzwerken. Er hat die Initiative "Kein Generalverdacht" mitinitiiert. Neukölln ist für ihn facettenreicher als das Stigma. Hauptamtlich arbeitet als Referent in einer Menschenrechtsorganisation.

Reisehinweise Ende: 

Dies ist eine Tour über die Sonnenallee in Berlin. Wenn Ihr Fragen habt, meldet euch jederzeit gerne unter [email protected]

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